Friday, September 30, 2011

That Awkward Moment When

There's a funny website called which is just filled with sentences that go:

That awkward moment when... *insert awkward moment*

As I sat in the Masjid one friday, I thought to myself, I bet there are a lot of awkward moments in Islam and in our daily lives! Let's see if I can name a few (can you figure out the references?)

That awkward moment when you're the only one not bowing to God's creation, as ordered.
That awkward moment when you, a virgin, are told you're about to have a baby.
That awkward moment when you lose wuduu in the middle of a congregational prayer and have to excuse yourself.
That awkward moment when you have to dodge the hug because male/female interaction is a no-no.
That awkward moment when you get up too early for fajr.
That awkward moment when you go to collect someone's soul and they give you a black eye.
That awkward moment when that shallow pool turns out to be glass.
That awkward moment when you go back to God to ask Him to reduce the number of prayers. Again.
That awkward moment when you realize the guy you've been working for for a hundred+ years has been dead for a while.
That awkward moment when you miscount the number of takbeers during Eid prayer.
That awkward moment when you can't remember if you prayed 3 or 4 rukaas
That awkward moment when you suddenly realize you are naked.
That awkward moment when you're told to take your little band of believers and leave a town of sodomy, but your wife has to stay.
That awkward moment when you go to deliver God's message and His chosen Prophet flees in terror.
That awkward moment when you can't pay the ransom for breaking fast because you and the Prophet (SAW) ARE the poorest guys you know.
That awkward moment when you hit the head of the guy behind you with your bum when returning from rukuu.
That awkward moment when you decide to read the ingredients after taking a bite and you realize it has gelatin in it.
That awkward moment when you come back and realize the people you fought to save have started worshipping a statue.

What other awkward moments have there been/are there in our deen?

1 comment:

Yosra said...

Asalamu Alaykom,

That awkward moment when we are making dawah for Islam being the religion of peace when some crazy terrorist incident happens.

That awkward moment when we are explaining how Muslim men respect their wives and the executive of the station...I can't even finish that one.

I liked your list. Mine are kind of a downer---but very true!

I'll try to leave you with some more light-hearted ones.

That awkward moment when you've been out in the world as a hijabi silently judging every woman for her immodest clothing only to get home and see in the mirror that you were showing more than you realized.

That awkward moment when someone from the community corrects you in front of others for something you thought you knew so well that you had become prideful about it.

That awkward moment when, as a woman, you don't have to be fasting during Ramadan so you have to hide when it's lunchtime so no one else knows.

That awkward moment when you see a women in niqab who starts talking to you and you can't figure out who she is.

Or that awkward moment in the opposite---when a woman takes off her hijab and you can't figure out who she is.

That awkward moment when you hear the sound eminate from the masjid and you're sure it's the magrib prayer time so you break your fast----only to realize it was a Quran recitation.

I'm sure there's more! If I think of them, I'll be back :)