Friday, July 29, 2011

Past Lives

"How can you disbelieve in Allâh? Seeing that you were dead and He gave you life. Then He will give you death, then again will bring you to life (on the Day of Resurrection) and then unto Him you will return. " The Holy Quran 2:28
Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only manipulated. This means that everything we see around us is made up of the same stuff that existed since the universe was made. We also know that we were made from clay which wasn't exactly alive now was it? Finally, one can conclude that since matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but only manipulated we can assume that in order to make us, some non living matter had to be used right? I.e carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc. Some of which, of course makes up clay.
Carrying on, we all know we are going to die, THE END IS COMING MWA HAHA.., ahem sorry. And we all know that we are going to be ressurected.
Funny, though in a way  we all do have past lives. Part of you, could be made of atoms that were once part of something else, like a dinosaur! Therefore, theoretically we could be, actually, we are as old as the universe itself. Now isn't that neat.

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