Friday, October 15, 2010

Islamic Pins!

A little while ago I started thinking: "How many people pass me by? how many potential friendships do I miss? Simply because people can't tell I'm muslim?"

Now you're probably thinking, oh Th3luba you silly person, who can't tell you're muslim? My answer: EVERYONE. You see, as it happens, despite being raised muslim, I don't look it. AT ALL. One of my parents is of European descent and it looks like I got all their genes. (Fortunately, I was provided with a fantastic set of tanning genes from my other parent, so I suppose it balances out....or maybe not. But I digress..) I'll meet people and first they'll say "You're muslim!?" their next question is then "When did you convert?" And I die a little inside. SO, I decided to make myself a nice little pin to let people know I'm muslim! 

Nothing fancy, seriously. In fact, it couldn't be less fancy. The first pin I made was out of a bottle cap, a coke can tab, a safety pin, tape and a crescent moon and star printed on a bit of paper. The second one I made is a green moon and star on a white piece of paper, taped to a proper pin. I also made a pin that says "Born Muslim" which I keep on my backpack. 

So far the only person (who wasn't one of my friends) who noticed was a sweet old lady that didn't know what the symbol meant any more than she deduced I was muslim because my sister was (and she knew my sister. ) But we live in hope.....and I haven't been wearing it for very long, or around very far (I go to my college in university, and home. So I don't meet anyone new very often)

But I did a little online search for islamic pins and came across this website which has a few, rather entertaining ones!

now some of the have to do with Obama and support for him, but there are some neat ones that say stuff like  "Relax! I'm Muslim!" or "Islam; all the cool kids are doing it!" or "Muslims wanted: it's a tough job but the retirement plan is unbelievable!" 

There was one on another site I thought was really funny, it said "Don't Panic! I'm Islamic!" Wear THAT through the airport! :P

So if you're like me and whiter than the untouched snow, looking to stand out to your muslim brethren or sistren (new word), why not try a pin! 

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