Friday, July 16, 2010

An Interesting Marriage Website

Don't look at me like that! I'm 23, lonely as a bump on a log, and there's nothing I can do about it so I read marriage articles: they give me the warm fuzzies. ANYWAY. Here's a nice one:

You can go ahead and skip the eharmony part of it and go straight to the articles:

They talk about some interesting issues and bring up some good points while trying to accept that times have changed just a little bit, especially with respect to women. 

Here's something they said to ask each other that I thought was particularly interesting:

"What can I do to make you happy?"

But the context they're saying to use it in, is not when things are going swimmingly and you two are all over each other, no. They say to ask this when you're going through a rough patch, at which time I'm willing to bet at LEAST 90% of you would never swallow their pride and ask such a thing. So I say to the asker: just do it, and be prepared for anything; humiliation, zany requests, nit-picking. Seriously, check your pride (and tongue) at the door and ask it while being prepared to follow through, no retaliation, no counter-arguments, etc. Kapeesh? Now, to the asked: the asker is currently VERY VULNERABLE. DON'T MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE. Think long and hard about what reasonable thing they can do to make you happy, and try to make it easy for them, but be honest. Then ask them the same. 

Anyway, take a look, have a browse, maybe you'll find something helpful! 

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