Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Imam Ghazalli's Five Tests for Pride

Are you or someone you know proud? Do you think you or they might be proud but wish there were some way to be sure? Well wish no more!! With Imam Ghazalli's Five Question Pride Test you can find out!

  1. In an altercation with a friend, do you reject their opinion though it is correct?
  2. When you meet with your friends or other persons, do you have difficulty giving them the best seats available?
  3. Do you ignore the invitations of the poor or have difficulty going to the market for the necessities of relatives and friends?
  4. Do you cringe at the idea of carrying a friends/relatives items from the market, in addition to your own?
  5. Do you only feel comfortable going out in trendy, fashionable, brand name clothing or feel good when wearing such clothing when alone?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above then YOU, my friend, may be suffering from pride! Fix it.

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