Friday, March 18, 2011

Mid Prayer Dua?

Two fridays ago, in Jumaa prayer, we did something I've never done before or knew we could do. 

After the Quranic recitation, right before the rukuu, we raised our hands and the Imam made what sounded like a dua. It was all in arabic, but it had the structure of a dua (there were male and female versions of the same words and it had a repetitive structure, you know: forgive all the believers men and women, and all the muslims men and women...) and I'm pretty sure I heard something about helping the people of Libya. Then he said "Allahu Akbar" and we went straight to sujood, no rukuu, and continued the Jumaa prayer like normal.

I've looked for information on this practice, but so far haven't found any instructions. If anyone know's anything, please let me know! :)

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