Friday, December 31, 2010

Imake Dua


I'm looking for a replacement app for Duas. The one I have is comprehensive (VERY COMPREHENSIVE) but is lacking in the navigation and user friendliness department. I'd also like it to be free. I came across this one:

Imake Dua (

It's pretty, easy to read, and easy to navigate. It features a "Favorites" option, and (like the other one) takes it's material from "Fortification of the Muslim Through Remembrance and Supplication from the Quran and Sunnah" (GREAT book by the way).

The negative qualities however, are that the search option is more of an index page than a word search, and the home screen doesn't include every section of the book. It has "When waking up", "When leaving home", "Going to the masjid" for instance, but doesn't have a button for more random ones like making Wuduu, or in times of fear. I suppose that's okay though; they did put "Dua Throughout the Day" at the top of the home screen, and you can always add those to favourites.

If anyone knows of a better app, I'd like to hear about it! :D

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