Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fate and Predestiny

Probably the single most confusing concept in Islam is that of fate and predestiny. Muslims frequently hear and read that our lives, and everything, even where we end up after we die is predetermined. This just baffles the heck out of most of us though because if that's the case, then where is justice? Why bother doing good deeds at all? Why bother doing anything?

When I was in the middle east I was talking with a cousin of mine and he was telling me a story about how one of his professors used the concept of dimensions to explain the concept of God. Expanding upon this in my head, I think I finally managed to explain all this fate and predestiny stuff, so here goes. 


The religious texts say that everything we do, etc is fate. The way I see it is that, yes it is fate, but it does not control us, we are not forced to follow it but we do. If you imagine our lives as a film, God can scroll through the film. He knows every part, the beginning, middle and end. It's part of His "All-Knowing"-ness. So when it's said "What is written", it's like God went through our film and simply wrote out everything we are going to do. The key point is that the film came first (so to speak): we decide our actions and decisions but God already knows them. It's like a friend who's already watched a movie telling you what's going to happen. He knows how the movie ends, and what happens to the main character, but that doesn't actually affect the main characters actions. 

Now, to explain predestiny. As I imagine it, we are on game boards, or at the centre of a maze constantly moving towards the edge. The walls of the maze are, for lack of a better word, opportunities and events. These choices and opportunities are built into the game board or maze and are predetermined: they are "factory made". It is our free will that allows us to choose which opportunities we take and how we respond to events. Some people's mazes will be simple, with few difficult events and opportunities, while other's will be harder, but everyone has the ability to choose their own paths. At the end of the maze, the edges of the board is death and beyond that half the board is surrounded by Paradise, while the other by Hell. 

So, to summarize my understanding/explanation. We have free will, but a God-made maze. We have to make the right choices at the events and opportunities God built into our mazes. God, being Master of Time and All-Knowing, knows what path and decisions and actions we will take and make, and has written it down, but this does not control us, it's simply an outline of what we are going to do anyway. 

I hope that explanation helps and isn't totally blasphemous.



Anonymous said...

I give you the utmost respect for adding that disclaimer. The fact that you are thinking for yourself and came to that conclusion shows alot about you. The power of thinking for yourself and coming to your own conclusion will help you figure out alot of things.keep up the good work and thank you!

Anonymous said...

Don't you see it?
Think about it.

Even if there was no God.
Your thoughts, your speech everything is pre-destined..also within the material world..without a God.

How are thoughts generated?
By small particles, where do they come from? Do you command them, or do they just come? The small particles that generate your thoughts are not ordered by you, they just came after a lot of collision with other particles.

During this process, in a blink of a moment we are given a choice, where we can change this process for our selves. But many do not choose to, so the process continues.

It's not pre-destined.
But pre-ordained.
If you think well about, you'll see it, and you'll be shocked.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused, are you with them or against them?

Thoughts are generated by small particles that just come after collisions with other particles? If that was the case, wouldn't our thoughts just be random nonsense, if we managed to exist at all? I think someone needs to go take a class in Neurology because I'm pretty sure that's not how our thoughts work.Also, you'd be surprised at how well the body can manipulate atoms! :D

Finally, check out this link:

preordain is a synonym for predestine. :P

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who posted on January 20, 2011 about pre-destiny.

Alhamdulillah I am a Muslim.

But beware, don't share this info with every Muslim.
The Prophet (pbuh) warned us not to discuss this, as it might lead to unbelief. The human intellect has it's limits.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:41 PM. Your thoughts are the results of countless particles that just bump into each other.

They are ORGANISED, by an Organiser, we Muslims call Him Allah (SWT).

Your neurons, everything is made of particles. Without God, your thoughts can't even exist, as you said it would end in chaos. Many people overlook this fact and hammer on evolution.

Evolution it self very strange, it's very well plausible, but why did particles 'choose' to do this.
I know the whole story about natural selection, random mutations which benefitted certain individuals in an environment which caused reproduction and lead to other individuals with the same Gene pack..and so on...But particles itself just bump into one and another in total chaos.
And we represent this total chaos.
It would be foolish to believe that all this was just by chance...

This whole universe was pre-destined.

They don't see that even mud itself is a miracle that cannot exist without Supreme organisation.
Why don't the particles (quarks) in mud not just go away? Why do they stay there and wait for other particles to bump in?

Your whole body is build on the foundation of these particles.
People who do not believe, simply say. It was just will is an illusion, everything you do has already been pre-determined, something science agrees on.


The Qur'an itself says this too.
Everything has been made in proprtions.

In certain moments we have free will, I think that the free will comes from the soul, which is not made of matter but exists in a different dimension and is connected with our bodies (matter).
The soul experiences this world and it grows, it worships its Creator. So I don't think we are always given free will, but at particular moments. There are a lot of verses in the Qur'an that explain this.

Read the story about Labu Ahab, one of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) uncles. He hated his nephew a lot.
Whenever the Prophet (pbuh) was finished with preaching, Abu Lahab would come and if Muhammad (pbuh) said it's white, he would say it's black. Basically he devoted his life to stop Muhammad (pbuh) from preaching and ending Islam.

In the end Muhammad (pbuh) told him, if you declare yourself Muslim, I will stop preaching Islam. Muhammad (pbuh) was known for his never breaking promises, he was someone who never told a single lie in his life time. The people..even his ennmies called him 'The must trustworthy'

Abu Lahab never said this.
However it was very easy for him to do that. He had no free will, his mouth was shut. He had no free will to say this.